The shareholders of ix.mid Software Technologie GmbH (“ix.mid”), have reached an agreement with Dedalus Italia S.p.A. (“Dedalus”), to sell 100% of the shares in ix.mid to Dedalus.

ix.mid is a healthcare software provider based in Cologne, Germany. The company is a leading and very dynamic specialist for laboratory communication systems in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxemburg. With the main solution ix.serv, the company primarily brings in a fully comprehensive communication platform for hospitals and laboratories. ix.serv has proven itself for years in clinical chemistry, microbiology, oncology, transfusion medicine and pathology. As a cloud solution, the product ix.connect ensures fast and secure communication between laboratories and practising physicians or specialists. In total, more than 500 hospitals, including about a dozen university clinics, and more than 3,000 medical practices use ix.mid’s highly innovative products.

Dedalus Group is the leading healthcare and diagnostic software provider in Europe, supporting the digital transformation of 6,500 hospitals and 5,700 Laboratories worldwide and managing more than 330 million patient records. Dedalus works across the continuum of care, offering open standards-based solutions to help healthcare organisations deliver new models of care.

“ix.mid has already worked very closely with OSM in the past, both companies were part of the OSM Group. Therefore, it is almost logical that we have now taken the same path and strengthen Dedalus with our expertise. You can say that what belongs together comes together. We are looking forward to the new diverse opportunities at Dedalus,” emphasise Ernst Münster and Georg Lichtenberg, Co-CEOs of ix.mid.

“We would certainly like the acquisition to be understood as a strong signal with regard to our growth ambitions. Thus, we will noticeably expand our position in the laboratory IT markets in DACH, both in hospitals and in the private practice sector. As we are increasingly able to offer our customers multidisciplinary diagnostics from a single source, we are taking another step closer to our vision of networked care and the Continuum of Care,” comments Andrea Fiumicelli, CEO of the Dedalus Group.

CASE Corporate Finance acted as sole financial adviser to the shareholders of ix.mid.


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