MédiPôle Partenaires is a leading private hospital group in France. Initially founded in 1991, the group results from the merger of MédiPôle Sud Santé and Médi-Partenaires in 2014. The company operates a network of around 63 facilities including strategically located private hospitals focused on medicine, surgery and obstetrics (‘‘MSO’’) as well as radiology centers, kidney treatment centers, home care clinics and rehabilitation centers. Overall, MédiPôle Partenaires treats approximately 1,100,000 patients each year and works with approximately 2,500 physicians. In 2015, the group generated revenues of around EUR 866m.

Bpifrance is the French sovereign wealth fund and aims at supporting sustainable growth, employment and competitiveness of the French economy. Bpifrance plays a key role in the development of French companies at every step of their development from creation to IPO through various financing means (debt, equity, collateral, etc.).

Bpifrance EUR 95m investment will enable MédiPôle Partenaires to finance both the group organic and external growth strategies through selected investments and acquisitions in a still fragmented private hospital market. With this investment, Bpifrance will become a key minority shareholder alongside Bridgepoint, which remains controlling shareholder, and Goldman Sachs.

CASE Corporate Finance acted as sole financial advisor to Bpifrance for this investment in MédiPôle Partenaires.


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